347 Erb Street Unit# 8, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1W4 (26239064)


347 Erb Street Unit# 8 Waterloo, Ontario N2L 1W4


Double Double pizza and chicken store located on a bustling street, known for its high foot traffic and busy atmosphere. This establishment offers both takeout and dine-in options, making it a convenient choice for customers who are on the go or looking for a sit-down meal. In addition to its in-house services, the store also offers delivery options through popular platforms such as Uber Eats and DoorDash, allowing for easy access for those who prefer to enjoy their food in the comfort of their own homes. One unique aspect of this pizza and chicken store is its weekly delivery to a local school. This partnership has established a loyal customer base among the students and staff, and provides a steady stream of revenue for the business. The store is well-equipped with modern equipment, ensuring a streamlined and efficient cooking process. Its spacious dining area can accommodate large groups, making it a popular spot for families and friends to gather and enjoy a delicious meal. This is an excellent opportunity for an aspiring entrepreneur or an established restaurant owner to acquire a profitable business in a prime location with a proven track record of success. Don't miss out on the chance to own this fantastic pizza and chicken store and continue to grow its loyal customer base! (id:45648)


Name Double Double Pizza

Property Details

MLS® Number 40507662
Property Type Business


Basement Type None


Acreage No


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